The first step of orthodontic treatment is to ingress the condition of your teeth and how they are promising to evolve. This process generally includes X-rays, picture of your teeth and making plaster models of your teeth before the treatment.
There are specific tools used for orthodontic treatment so as to correct the position of your teeth- there are normally four types of appliances used for the treatment.
1.Fixed Braces- it is a non-removable brace which is made up of brackets that are fastened to each tooth with the help of glue and are connected with the help of wires.
2.Removable Braces- it is generally plastic plates which shelter the roof of your mouth and hook on some of your teeth. These types of braces are used when there is limited tooth movements.
3.Functional Appliances- it is a pair of removable plastic brace which are interconnected or are designed in a way which can be interacted with each other and can be fitted to the lower and upper teeth.
4.Headgear- It is not an orthodontic tool, but can be used with other tools and headgears are worn at night only.
Whether its overbite, under bite, crooked teeth or any other oral health issues, clear braces are the best option to go for- but there are some tips that you should know before going for any treatment.
1. Invisalign braces are invisible. So, you cannot watch them- there is a reason why these aligners are known as Invisalign braces because no one can easily recognize that you are wearing them.
1. Invisalign braces are invisible. So, you cannot watch them- there is a reason why these aligners are known as Invisalign braces because no one can easily recognize that you are wearing them.
2. Toothbrush becomes your best friend- You have to take your mini toothpaste, along with you when you are travelling somewhere especially going for lunch or dinner. Because you never know when a piece of food get stuck to your teeth and you have to remove it otherwise you will feel pain.
3. Treatment not recommended to everyone- While going for Invisalign braces you can easily get rid of some orthodontic issues, such as minor over or under bite, crooked teeth or gaps between the teeth. But, there are some cases where the patient asks about the time period of the treatment. A Patient who has more complications may get their best results by choosing metal braces surgery.
3. Treatment not recommended to everyone- While going for Invisalign braces you can easily get rid of some orthodontic issues, such as minor over or under bite, crooked teeth or gaps between the teeth. But, there are some cases where the patient asks about the time period of the treatment. A Patient who has more complications may get their best results by choosing metal braces surgery.
4. Say no to morning coffee- In general terms, if you are drinking something due to which staining occurs to your teeth, whether its coffee or tea or red wine, it will stain your aligners. You won’t feel happy when it gets stain to your teeth. So, beware before having anything.
If you want any other suggestions regarding the diet plan while having braces treatment, you can easily consult your orthodontist for your orthodontics treatment in Taylor.
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